St. Peter’s Lischey’s UCC, 5671 Lischeys Church Rd Spring Grove, PA 17362
High School Graduate
Experience required
Ability to work well with people
Excellent oral communication skills
On a weekly basis from September through May, play for and rehearse with the Sanctuary Choir, the Youth Choir, the children’s choir, and the chime choir. The Men’s Chorus meets as needed and the Cantata Choir rehearses from September through December.
Rehearse and utilize instrumentalists for special services.
Coordinate with the Minister and/or liturgy in selecting, ordering and scheduling all music for all choirs and instrumentalists keeping within the guidelines of budget allowances. Be a resource to the Minister for selection of hymns.
Appropriate music selections are to be prepared and offered at every service by one or more choirs as scheduled by the Minister of Music, September through May.
Schedule and rehearse special music during the choir vacation months of June through August, as available.
Maintain a filing system of all music.
Play for regularly scheduled worship services of the church. This includes one service per Sunday. Play for two services on Easter Sunday. (Possibility of two services during the three summer months.)
Play for special services including Advent, Lent, Holy Week, and Christmas Eve. The Christmas Eve service will take additional planning for a pre-service musical program. Plan appropriate music for Veteran’s Sunday.
Play for any additional community services that are scheduled to be held at St. Peter’s Lischey’s. This may also require planning, scheduling, and rehearsing a combined choir for these services.
Play for funerals and weddings upon request. Weddings will require additional meetings with the couple to plan appropriate music.
Select a yearly adult Christmas Cantata and coordinate with children’s program leadership a children’s Christmas Cantata that is acceptable with the Music & Worship Committee and suitable for the appropriate skill levels of each group.
Attend monthly Staff meetings and seasonal Music and Worship Committee meetings to assist in planning of special services.
Submit weekly service information to the church secretary for printing in the bulletin.
Plan an annual Music Appreciation service on the third Sunday in May to recognize all who participated in the music program of the church. If this falls on Pentecost, an alternate date is selected.
Keep abreast of technical faults and tuning of the organ and pianos, and reconditioning of the chimes.
Keep the congregation informed of the activities of the music program via a monthly newsletter article.
Introduce new and creative ideas to the music ministry of the church.
Two months’ notice must be given by the Minister of Music prior to resignation.
The Minister of Music will have a review annually.
A cash salary reviewed each calendar year, to be paid as agreed on by the Council and the Minister of Music.
The Minister of Music is encouraged to continue educational opportunities and workshops with financial assistance from the church with approval by Council.
Vacation arrangement: The Minister of Music will be granted three weeks vacation (calendar weeks including Sunday) with compensation.